Diversion – This program has been set up by the Court to allow first time non-violent offenders who are unruly or delinquent an opportunity to correct their mistakes without a juvenile record… [ more ]
Parent Education – Description… [ more ]
Probation – Probation is the conditional release of an adjudicated juvenile offender back into the community under specific orders. Probation Officers monitor compliance with court orders as well as assist the child and family in improving the child’s overall condition… [ more ]
Specialized Docket – Juvenile Recovery Court… [ more ]
Truancy Mediation – Truancy Mediation is an informal process that helps parents, caregivers, and schools find a fair and workable solution to children’s truancy problems. It is based on the belief that mediation can be an effective means of improving school attendance, reducing the dropout rate, and reducing juvenile delinquency… [ more ]
Case Management – The case management program connects youth and families to community support services and helps find solutions to barriers including transportation, food assistance, child care, etc. The case managers follow up on progress with court-ordered programs, and collaborate with schools and other community agencies…. [ more ]