

Probation is the conditional release of an adjudicated juvenile offender back into the community under specific orders. Probation Officers monitor compliance with court orders as well as assist the child and family in improving the child’s overall condition. Five full-time Probation Officers supervise a monthly average of approximately 100 youth. Routine contacts are accomplished through office visits, home visits, and school visits. Additionally, Probation Officers provide linkage and networking services to local service providers in an attempt to achieve the desired results as directed by the court. Juvenile Probation Officers are employing case management techniques to bring a balanced approach in dealing with juvenile accountability, competency development and individualized assessment and treatment toward the goal of rehabilitation of the youth. In addition, the Probation Officers emphasize parental accountability and responsibility.

Each probation officer is assigned to a school district and visits the schools on a weekly basis to see the students and get feedback from school staff regarding the students on probation.

Electronic Monitoring

If a child is placed under an order of house arrest, the Court can utilize an ankle bracelet and monitor the child electronically with the use of GPS. A report is then furnished which indicates whether the child has absconded or otherwise violated house arrest.